
Top stories and aggregated facts on Multifamily Real Estate, curated for Investors and Business Partners.

Boutique Extended Stay Hotel Market Resilience

Boutique Extended Stay Hotel Market Resilience

To say we’re living in strange times is, perhaps, the biggest understatement of the year. There are few areas of our lives and work that COVID-19 has not affected, from stay-at-home orders, masks as the new normal, school shut-downs, and endless Zoom meetings...

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How Has Extended Stay Been Affected by COVID-19?

How Has Extended Stay Been Affected by COVID-19?

In an economy shredded by COVID-19, there have been some major winners and some major losers in terms of profitability. Big-chain hotels with one-to-three-night average stays landed on the not-so-lucky list.  With travel screeching to a halt and stay-at-home orders in...

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Detailed Underwriting Is the Secret Sauce

Detailed Underwriting Is the Secret Sauce

We invest in strategically located, ground-up developments and income-producing real estate throughout California, New York, and key cities in the Southeastern and Southwestern U.S., particularly in the underserved secondary or tertiary markets. Types of assets we...

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How to Do a Quick Multifamily Deal Analysis

How to Do a Quick Multifamily Deal Analysis

In boom times and uncertain times alike, multifamily investments historically offer a safe harbor. That does not mean, however, that you can afford to neglect your due diligence when considering making a move in this market segment. A multifamily deal analysis is a...

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CGI Strategies Seeks New Opportunities

CGI Strategies Seeks New Opportunities

The Los Angeles Business Journal reported earlier this June that amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, many real estate developers are actually being presented with some unique real estate opportunities, even as the US economy has come to almost a complete halt. Historically,...

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CGI Strategies Weighs Hotel Conversion Options

CGI Strategies Weighs Hotel Conversion Options

Real Estate Alert reports that while across the country the hotel industry is suffering through its worst recorded downturn, hotel owners are looking into marketing their properties as apartment-conversion residences instead in an effort to maximize value and recover...

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