Top Resources for Property Investors

Posted on November 12, 2020

notes-laptop-glassesMaking the decision to begin investing in property is easy. The follow through and next initial steps take time and resources. At CGI Strategies, we know it can be a daunting task for beginners. We’re here to provide you with some ideas and resources to help you navigate the process.

• Read, Read, Read
One can attain a wealth of knowledge with the amount of literature written on the subject of property investing. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, investing in single family, multifamily or commercial properties ¬– there’s something out there for you. They might seem old fashioned, but we consider books to be one of the top resources on the matter. If you’re new to the industry and haven’t yet acquired the capital, consider looking into The Book on Investing in Real Estate with No (and Low) Money Down by Brandon Turner.

• Real Estate Websites
Moving on to a more modern approach, an equal wealth of real estate knowledge and resources can be found on the internet. Need more general info? You got it. Looking for listings? Try Zillow, Trulia and Realtor. Need assessors, legal forms and credit checks – check, check and check. Just as books, there are a multitude of property investing websites with information designed to suit your individual investing needs.

• Network
The saying is true – you’re only as strong as your network. Building relationships is an integral aspect of the real estate industry. Your network is an equally strong resource when you learn how to leverage it. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, meet people and ask questions. There’s nothing better than learning from first-hand advice on property investing success and failures.

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