In times of economic crisis, as well as times of abundance, real estate is an investment that stands the test of the atmosphere of the current landscape.
Smart investors always have real estate on their radar. But the smartest investors these days are talking about more specific real estate investments: commercial real estate investments.
Today’s investors are particularly interested in college town areas and investing heavily in them. The areas surrounding universities are becoming fully developed and the possibilities are increasing exponentially. High-level partnerships arise from areas like these, making the investment better for everyone involved. The creative professionals in the college age to millennial demographic make great tenants and, as they get older, the trend is longevity versus high turnover.
Prices in commercial real estate haven’t reached excess and when purchased smart, the assets hold and grow their value. The climate is perfect for commercial investment. Developments attract those hungry to leave their mark on an area—in the spirit of true entrepreneurship. If you’re thinking about a viable way to invest and be involved in the shaping of communities, the time to act is now.